Bar Graph Writing

 The presented bar graph demonstrates the percentages of homeowners and renters in the age of between 25 to 34 from 2004 to 2014 in the United Kingdom.

In consonance with the bar chart, homeowners and renters showed the adverse trend day by day with a significant decrease in home owning after 2009 on the other hand renting has increased moderately after 2009

In 2004, homeowners percentage stood nearly 60% while renters had 20% however, the gap nearly closed in 2011 even though home owning ratio remains itself until 2009 it has just go down. After that time renters had climbed steadily and passed over the homeowners percentage in 2013. In contrary homeowners percentage has continued its decline trend down to the 40-% percentage 

All things considered, In the UK renters percentage heeded and passed homeowners ratio in 2013 and keeps its rising trend although it was dominated by homeowners at the early 2000s and homeowners' ratio keeps its falling trend.


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