
Summary of How to Answer Matching İnformation Question

 Hi, friends welcome back to my post again. Today we are going to talk about the IELTS Reading part and how to answer some questions, let's get started. The lady in the video explains what you need and cover some of the strategies and steps for the IELTS Reading. So In IELTS Reading Part, there is a matching information section just like we have covered as an exam skills part in our MINDSET book. You will see some statements from 3 to 6 and you have to match information to each paragraph. The passages could be anything like opinion, reason , cause and effect, account or etc. And while matching informational you need some skills that we used to talk about before and with the help of this technique, you will find the correct answer easily and quickly. Let's look at them;  *SKIMMING: Read the whole passage to understand the main idea or the general trend just like finding the title.  *SCANNING: After understanding the main idea, read the question and go back to the text and ...

Quick Summary of IELTS: Speaking p1

 In this video, teacher Liz talks about the IELTS exam’s speaking part 1  We need to talk about many topics like birthday, your activities, cooking, etc. Examiner may ask you a variety of different questions. Examiners often ask WH questions such as what, where, when these questions implies fundamental information. And the rest of the questions could be anything about. Examiner may ask you about your preferences like “Do you prefer?” you should choose and explain why do you go with it or why do you like it. There is an essential thing that you must pay attention: Listen carefully and understand the tense/time. If the question is in the past tense you should answer in the past tense too. Don't confuse do you ever--- or have you ever--- question pay attention to the time and give your answer in a proper way Other than that, prepare yourself and stay motivated. 

Pie and Bar Chart

 The charts demonstrate some information about the participants involved in the Olympics.Although the bar graph illustrates separately by gender. According to the Line Graph, in 1924 nearly 4000 people joined the Olympics, and it slightly increased. In 1952 they were approximately 5.500 people but it's clear to say that in 2012 number of the participants had a major increase which made them over 10.000 people  moreover, it increased them to the maximum. On the other hand, the Bar The graph provides the contributors based on genders, 1924 the woman participants were not even a thousand people even though the woman members have increased slightly although they had a substantial increase in 2012, in contrast, men's participant number had increased persistently nevertheless, they were still more than woman's quantity in 2012. To summarize, both chart shows the quantity of the competitors in the Olympics. It's undemanding to say that number of the participants have increased...


 Hi, good to see you again. Today we are going to talk about some reading strategies. Here is the main video if you want to check :  https://youtu.be/N0ePX99GM70 The video mentioned 3 main techniques for the IELTS reading part, the explanation of the strategies were ok. They were very understandable and adequate. But I would like to see some introduction part for us to understand how the exam starts, how much time do we have, how many paragraphs are there going to be in the exam, etc. Other than that it mentioned all kind of techniques I guess however I searched but I could not find any extra method. It could have mentioned how hard is the third method, I mean he did but I think it was not enough he could show in simulated or show what kind of struggles we could fight with. Here is my advice for the IELTS: You need to be careful and be all eyes, there are some traps that they want you to get caught so keep an eye. Don't choose the answer just with a sentence there could be mis...

Notes about IELTS : How To Introduce Yourself

 Hi friends! Today I will be sharing the quick summary of the video.  Here is the link if you want to check: https://youtu.be/MU8xhYgHT0U First of all the examiner will ask you to introduce yourself so IELTS starts with the introduction part. For introduction: *Leave your belongings. *Don't forget that they are recording the speaking. *Show your Identification Card. *Examiner may take some notes, it's ok don't worry it's not about you. * And remember the examiner is the only one who asks questions ;) You could be worrying about the test and this is fully okay, don't be late to the class and try some inhale-exhale exercises and try to stay positive. It should help if you were exposed yourself to an English environment before the exam that will warm you up. Hold on, the exam is starting: *Examiner will ask your name and how can he/she call you. Don't be stressed 😁 try to avoid some extra fancy words or sentences, just keep it simple and nice. The first concept: I...

Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect Continuous Usage In News

 Hi! Today topic is using the perfect tenses, I would like to summarise it with an illustration  . I’ve chosen a substantial topic for this and I think everyone should pay attention to this crisis: Climate Change. At least 85 percent of the global population has experienced weather events made worse by climate change. according to  research  published Monday in the journal Nature Climate change. ( here we used present perfect because it's a general fact) These combined findings — which focused on events such as crop failures, floods and heat waves — allowed scientists to make a solid link between  escalating extremes  and human activities. They concluded that global warming has affected 80 percent of the world’s land area. ( here we used for an action happened but affects the present) Some of the world’s top emitters, including China and India, have yet to formally commit to a new 2030 emissions reduction target. Activists worry that an emerging  energ...

Bar Graph Writing

 The presented bar graph demonstrates the percentages of homeowners and renters in the age of between 25 to 34 from 2004 to 2014 in the United Kingdom. In consonance with the bar chart, homeowners and renters showed the adverse trend day by day with a significant decrease in home owning after 2009 on the other hand renting has increased moderately after 2009 In 2004, homeowners percentage stood nearly 60% while renters had 20% however, the gap nearly closed in 2011 even though home owning ratio remains itself until 2009 it has just go down. After that time renters had climbed steadily and passed over the homeowners percentage in 2013. In contrary homeowners percentage has continued its decline trend down to the 40-% percentage  All things considered, In the UK renters percentage heeded and passed homeowners ratio in 2013 and keeps its rising trend although it was dominated by homeowners at the early 2000s and homeowners' ratio keeps its falling trend.